My Skills

I have just completed Jonas Schmedtmann's Udemy course: Build Responsive Real World Websites on Udemy and I have added the Omnifood page to my example projects. There was definitely a lot to learn - like using the Google Maps API for the first time, using jQuery to add some quirks, and using media queries to add breakpoint. I hope to incorporate a lot of these techniques into my portfolio site and into my workflow.

At present I am trying to broaden my skills and I am tackling The Complete Sass & SCSS Course: From Beginner To Advanced on Udemy as I have seen SASS mentioned a lot and I'd like to understand how to make use of it. Even just starting out I can see the potential and why developers would take to using it when dealing with a large project.

I was studying Javascript with Mark Myers book "A Smarter Way to Learn Javascript" and I plan to continue to increase my understanding of Javascript with some more courses.

Currently I'm working through a number of courses on Udemy which cover Bootstrap, PHP, WordPress, Javascript, SASS, Modern REACT with REDUX, NodeJS, UX & web design.

My Reading List / Reference Material

This is a list of books and other materials that I have found to be helpful for those that stumble upon my website.

  • Web Style Guide (3rd Edition) by Patrick J. Lynch and Sarah Horton
  • CSS 3 by Jason Cranford Teague
  • Javascript, A Beginners Guide (Third Edition) by John Pollock
  • HTML and CSS, Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett
  • A Smarter Way to Learn Javascript by Mark Myers

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